
What others have said

Michael and all the participants created a very welcoming and safe space throughout the workshop. This allowed me to be vulnerable and focus on my growth. The workshop was a priceless experience and now I feel much more in touch with myself and my needs, both physically and emotionally.

Jeremy, Malta

I was initially quite anxious. However, from the very beginning until the end, Michael’s approach made me feel much more at ease. Both days were very progressional which helped me build trust in the process.

I left having gained insight about my body and my self I could have never gained without the experience I gained at the workshop.

Josh, Malta

A workshop that gave me back my breath… An experience that made me more aware how for granted we take breathing and our body. A wonderful experience… Back to life, back to breathing… 

Stephen, Malta

Michael’s respectful and gradual approach made me feel safe and helped me ease into it. I found myself approaching the exercises with less trepidation and more excitement as the day wore on. This was supported by the energy and openness that was created amongst the group members. It was amazing to see the tension melting away and new awareness seeping in. Due to this workshop I can now ‘receive’ and not only give.

Jacky, Malta

The exercises were very well prepared and felt very secure in participating and exploring more about the subject. I felt safe in pushing myself, getting more in touch with my feelings and body. I am glad to have participated.  It gave me a better outlook in coming in touch with myself, in particular to my body.  Weeks have now passed since the workshop and the positive feeling I got from the day is still vibrant, leading me to improve on it in becoming a better me!  Thank you for organising the workshop. I highly recommend it.

Stefan, Malta

Michael takes great care to create a safe space which is both intimate and comfortable, and thus, some really powerful changes can take place. The focus is on practicing techniques to pinpoint a sense of outer awareness, and inner awareness, allowing convergence through the prism of the body. It’s a great opportunity, whether you’re looking to ask yourself some tough questions, or even just to try a novel perspective.

Van, Malta